질문과 답

날짜 : 2024-12-11 14:33:38 글쓴이 : news 조회수: 51

Tech stocks soar on Google’s Quantum computing milestone A new chip unveiled by Google LLC on Tuesday local time, which the company claims is a major milestone in the quantum computing sector, led to a surge in advanced tech stocks in South Korea on Wednesday. Korea Computer & Systems Inc. saw its stock price jump 29.94 percent to 9,330 won ($6.5) as of 10:40 a.m. on Wednesday. Other quantum computing stocks also experienced significant gains, with Solid up 10.86 percent to 5,310 won, Opticis Co. rising 6.24 percent to 7,320 won, and HANCOM WITH Inc. increasing 10.4 percent to 3,025 won. Their rally was fueled by Google‘s announcement that it has overcome a decades-long challenge in quantum computing with a new generation of chips that can solve a computing problem in five minutes.

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2/30, 총 게시물 : 584
번호 제 목 글쓴이 조회 날짜
564 장기렌트 장기렌트 172 2019-02-17
563 후회하지 맙시다ㅎ 언젠가능 144 2019-02-17
562 언g제부터였나요? ㄷㄷ 178 2019-02-17
561 껍데기는가라구요 가라가라 173 2019-02-17
560 인도운분양 즐거운분양 175 2019-02-17
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556 즐거운분양 즐거운분양 144 2019-02-16
555 행복한하루 행복한하루 164 2019-02-16
554 도느이읃 이번엔말이지 149 2019-02-16
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551 이정도선ㄷㄷ에서 끝내야 고맙습니다. 110 2019-02-16
550 후회하지 맙시다ㅎ 언젠가능 92 2019-02-16
549 언g제부터였나요? ㄷㄷ 90 2019-02-16
548 즐거운분양 즐거운분양 83 2019-02-16
547 행복한하루 행복한하루 79 2019-02-16
546 장기렌트 장기렌트 84 2019-02-16
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