
I think teacher did well!
날짜 : 2011-08-22 16:53:05 글쓴이 : 황 제임스 조회수: 2634

Q. Korean lessons

1. Do you think the present level is suitable for you?

☞ yes.

2. What's do you like about your class?

☞ very thorough

3. if there's anything you are not satisfied with your class, what is it?

☞ I wish we were given more of a chance to read on our own.


Q. Cultural Experience & Activities

1. Is this your first time to join this activity?

☞ Yes

2. Is there any activity that you've joined? What kind of activity?

☞ Mud festival


Q. Green Language School of Korea

1. How did you come to know this institute?

☞ My uncle found it on the internet

2. Was it convenient for you to use this institute?

☞ No. Too far.

3. Will you study next month?

☞ No, I can not. I am returning to America.

4. Please give your advice or suggestion on GLSK.

☞ If there is any way to learn or provide more vocabulary for students it would be helpful.

24/24, 총 게시물 : 470
번호 제 목 글쓴이 조회 날짜
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