
this school is great and people around very much helpful.
날짜 : 2011-04-11 15:41:41 글쓴이 : 서형호 조회수: 6352

Q. Korean lessons

1. Do you think the present level is suitable for you? 

☞ yes.

2. What's do you like about your class? 

☞ the best part of this experience was learning the letters and the sounds,

3. if there's anything you are not satisfied with your class, what is it?

☞ trying to make friends with english speaker.

4. If there's anything you are not satisfied with your class, what is it?

first thing i want to say is thank you for taking the time to teach me on one on 1 level,
and you're a great teacher wish to work with you again. thank you. congrats on your baby!


Q. Cultural Experience & Activities

1. If there's anything you are not satisfied with your class, what is it?

☞ well, i would love to learn about korean culture more and history about korea.
field trips to beter learning locations like coex or anything esle that's a fun experience.

Q. Green Language School of Korea

1. How did you come to know this institute?

☞ my mom told me about this school from the internet.

2. Was it convenient for you to use this institute?

☞ yes. 

3. Please give your advice or suggestion on GLSK.

☞ only opinion i got is to have more fun experienees while learning the language and more better field trip
but, beside that, this school is great and people around very much helpful. thank you.

19/24, 총 게시물 : 470
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