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[Cheonggyecheon] 점심식사 & 청계천 산책을 즐겨요~♬ |
2016-04-21 16:39:36 ]
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그린한국어학원 바로 앞에 아주 멋진 장소가 있어요.
바로 청계천!!
선생님, 반 친구들과 점심식사를 하고 청계천 산책을 하면서
추억을 만들었어요. :)
날씨도 좋고, 좋은 친구들&선생님과 함께 해서 더 좋았어요~♬
THere is Good place which is near the GKLS.
It is Cheonggyechoen!!
We ate Lunch and take a walk with good friends & teacher.
Good weather, Good friends, Good teacher~
That's why it was sooooooo Goooooooooood!