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[Eat together] 반 친구들, 선생님과 함께 간식 타임~ |
2014-11-11 16:29:03 ]
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선생님, 반친구들과 함께 하는 간식타임!
매일 공부만!하면 재미없잖아요~
가끔은 이렇게 간식도 먹으면서 한국어로 이야기하면
더 좋아요.^-^
이혜원 선생님과 학생들은 어떤 이야기를 나눴을까요?
They ate muffin with teacher and friends.
In my opinion, every day studying only is not good.
Our students have a snack time with their classmates.
At that time, they talk to each other in Korean.
What were they talking about? :)