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[Hanok] 한복 체험
[ 2013-07-30 15:43:43 ]
조회수: 957        
http://www.greenkorean.co.kr , Hit: 519
[Hanok] 한복 체험

[Hanok] 한복 체험

The Hanbok is the traditional outfit of the Korean people.
Koreans nowadays wear this outfit only on festive days or special anniversaries, however it was worn daily up until just 100 years ago.
It is a kind of traditional formal dress and most Koreans keep a hanbok for these special times.

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드라마「대장금」「동이」등 우리나라 사극이 외국에서 인기를 끌었던 이유도 분명 한복의 영향이 있었을 거예요.