Green News

[August Activity] Everland (first-come-first-served)
날짜 : 2012-06-26 13:44:23 글쓴이 : Green 조회수: 2742

August Cultural Program "Everland" 


For this scorching hot summer, we're preparing another exciting activity following Boryeong Mud Festival.
This time,
"Everland Summer Splash"!!

For this program, applications will be accepted on a first-come-first-served basis.
Don't miss this opportunity!!

<Popular atractions at Everland!>


Cultural Program Schedule & Application

Date : August 3 (Fri) , 2012

Time & Place : We meet at 8:30 a.m. at Green (class room No.706)  

Expense : Transportation (round trip) + Ticket & Admission fee 

Preparations : spare clothes, toiletories, towel

02- 732- 1128

⊙ 홈페이지 :, hit:288

13/13, 총 게시물 : 257
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